The Coalition Education Conference 2024

Dates to be announced soon!
Presented by Fairer America

Courtland Grand Hotel
Atlanta, GA 30303

A Conference for those that love America

America is confronting a two-pronged ideological assault: one spearheaded by cultural Marxism, and the other by radical Islamic Jihadist factions. The cornerstone ideals that serve as the bedrock of our nation are not merely being questioned; they are actively being eroded and endangered.

The result in our society is DEI over merit, erasing of women’s rights as men have free access to women’s locker rooms and trounce them in women’s sports, forcing a damaging transgender ideology on our kids, elected officials designating parents as domestic terrorists, and our own government’s complete disregard for the safety of its citizens with the refusal of border security.

The pressing question that looms is: What is our course of action? How do we preserve the Republic in the manner envisioned by our Founding Fathers? The answer is collective action and vigilance. Join us as we endeavor to safeguard our nation's principles, rectify the misuse of governmental power, and stand resolute against ideological invasions that aim to destabilize the United States from within. Join us.

About Us

A Conference for ALL minority conservatives to gather for a national coalition

Let us come together and fight back against the radical left’s agenda, racial division, and victimhood rhetoric.

By portraying ethnic minorities as “victims” and claiming only “they” can save us, the liberal left has set our country on the path of Marxism. In the name of “racial equity”, they are destroying our communities, our country, and the future of our children.

It is time for minority communities to come together and stand up to the tyrannical government. We must act. The time is now. The Conservative Minority Coalition. Join us.

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Why attend
The Coalition Education Conference 2024?

Be informed on the real threat of cultural Marxism and its infiltration in the US, and the truth about Islamic terrorist organizations

Every aspect of American life, including education, healthcare, policies, entertainment, businesses are heavily influenced, if not controlled, by cultural Marxism. What does it look like; how do we combat cultural Marxism infiltration? Where are the training sites in the US for Islamic terrorists? How is it possible this training sites exist in America? And how do we combat these terrorist groups?

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Network with Fellow Americans of all stripes

Join our conference to network with fellow patriots and build a stronger coalition together that will continually  fight to preserve this Republic.

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Learn how to effectively share the information back in your community

The key to success is being able to inform neighbors, friends and family on unfamiliar subjects without alienating them and successfully building an active coalition. You will learn how to effectively engage different audiences and build a coalition.

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Surprises for The Coalition Education Conference 2024

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40+ Hours of Educators

This conference goes beyond popular names on any subject, speakers comprise a diverse group of experts. You'll hear from pundits, ground-level workers, academics, intellectuals, and business professionals who are actively analyzing data and confronting socialist ideologies head-on.

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12+ Workshops

Numerous conference sessions will delve deeply into the cultural Marxism infiltration, offering insights for organizational & individual actions. Participants can explore daily readings, discern between genuine vs. fraudulent organizations, identify trustworthy Democrats, and expose misconceptions among Republicans.

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Expert Speakers

Explore presentations from 40+ speakers to elucidate and illustrate how certain ideologies influence facets of our lives with the perceived intent of transforming America with Marxist principles.

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Free Educational Materials

Every conference speaker will provide a wealth of resources, allowing attendees to explore an extensive selection of books, papers, thumb drives, videos, and more. These materials are made available to conference participants at no cost!

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Community Connected

Connect with a diverse religious community of individuals from the Middle East, China, and Russia. Engaging sessions with these connections offers valuable insights,  content, or a deeper understanding of issues vital to American patriots.

Conference Partnerships

We thank our  sponsors, partners, and participants for making this conference possible.

Become  Partner or Sponsor
Sponsoring Partners
The Final Countdown

Our Latest

Our speakers have authored numerous insightful articles and whitepapers outlining the mission. We are proud of their thought leadership on this subject and encourage everyone interested to explore the ideas and educate themselves on how to get  involved in defending the constitution in any capacity possible.

Conference Agenda

Sessions & Workshops
will be announced soon!